Free Text Messages to Laos
Use FoxText to send free text to Laos from your computer or smartphone. Sending free text messages to Laos have never been easier. Simply enter the phone number using the dialpad on this page and click on "Send" button and we will send your text or SMS to Laos for completely free . You can now send free texts to Laos mobile and landline phones from your PC as long as you have internet. We are completely free and do not require you to sign in or pay anything to send free texts.

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Send Free Text to Laos
Go to
You can now send free text messages & SMS to Laos right from your web browser. With FoxText, there is no need to download any app or plug-in. You can send free text messages via internet as long as you have a modern web browser such as Chrome. The first step to sending free texts is to open your web browser and go to
Enter Phone Number
Once you are on FoxText home page, select Laos from the drop down on the dialpad and enter the phone number. You do not have to enter the country code. Just select Laos from the drop down and enter the phone number without the country code.
Click on "Send"
This is it. The only thing to keep in mind is that you have entered the phone number in the correct format. Once the number is entered, simply click on the “Send” button on the bottom of the dialpad. FoxText will take it on from here and make sure that your text is delivered to its final destination within 1 minute.
Free Texts to Laos from PC or Mac
FoxText can be used to send free text messages and SMS to any mobile or landeline based phone number in Laos. FoxText is a completely free texting app that does not require any app downloads since it is web browser based. To use FoxText, all you need is a standard web browser and internet connection. If you are looking to send free text messages, open your web browser and go to FoxText homepage and start sending free texts to Laos.
How come it is free to send texts to Laos using FoxText?
Sending text messages to mobile phones using SMS protocol requires interconnect with mobile phone companies around the world. Since the text message is being received and delivered by a third party telecommunication company, there is a cost associated with sending text messages. FoxText leverages its partnership and wholesale volume based pricing to lower the pricing to a point where offering limited number of free text messages become feasible.
Can I sent unlimited free text messages to Laos using FoxText?
We currently do not offer unlimited free text messages or SMS to Laos. We limit the number of texts that can be sent because it costs us to deliver each and every text message. While our goal is to make texting completely free, the reality is that we get charged for each text message that is delivered on our behalf by the telecommunication companies around the world. If you like us and would like us to increase this limit, you can help by sharing us with your friends and family. As more and more people start using FoxText, we will be able to offer unlimited free text messaging to Laos and the rest of the world.